Another Sign

Another sign that summer has gone:


The fellows installing the supports didn’t come yesterday and won’t be there today because of conflicts, but Peter the Plumber is planning to come up and start on his part of the project.

It was interesting down here. A fellow from my web security company called. He said I had malware on my site and that their program couldn’t take it off. I looked at their warning and it said Google had blacklisted the page in question. I, of course, clicked on the page to see if Firefox gave the attack warning. No, it thought it was perfectly safe. Later I checked Google Webmaster Tools and it said “No new messages or recent critical issues.”

I found the line the security company said was suspicious and removed it. I assume the fellow was calling to scare me into paying to have them clean my site and/or install their expensive firewall. No thanks. When I told him the firewall was too expensive he said they had a free version I could try. It would take a couple of days for them to install it, and they would need my password to access my hosting account. Double no thanks. I’m now looking into another security company that has gotten good reviews. Hopefully it will feel more trustworthy.

How goes it with you?

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9 Responses to Another Sign

  1. Rummuser says:

    Peaceful! I did something very novel this morning. I woke up at the usual time and after my meditation session went back to sleep and woke up only when the door bell rang for the milk delivery man! I was very pleased with myself.

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    About your security company—Isn’t sad that so much is about $$$$$$$$.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    If I was as technological skilled (or able to do) as you are in computer things, I would certainly not want someone knowing all my passwords or for that matter charging for a service you can get for free or do yourself.

    I would imagine the guy rubbing his paws and saying to his colleagues “it’s that little old lady, wanting my expertise again. She said she could do it herself, but you know little old ladies can’t…”

    And I think that the “malware” situation was to drum up some business…

    • Jean says:

      I think they’re not only after us little old ladies, they’re after anyone who wants to use WordPress for business but doesn’t want to become an IT expert. It’s a useful thing to offer, but I don’t like their tactics. I’m much more apt to spend money after a company has impressed me with its service.

  4. Evan says:

    Things are pretty good with me.

    If you ever get a call from someone saying they are from microsoft and your computer has a problem it is a scam.

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