Andy told our insurance company about the new solar heating panels, and they requested some pictures. The first two were understandable:

Showing the solar heating panels and the solar electric array.

Showing how the panels are mounted on the roof.
But we were surprised that they requested pictures of all four corners of the cottage taken from about 10 to 15 yards away.
It was a good idea — the cottage is small enough that the pictures give a clear idea of what it looks like. But we were surprised. Any surprises in your life lately?
January 17, 2014
“But we were surprised.” What do you mean?
A Foodnerd brought us our vegetables from Head Foodnerd who lives on the mountain now. I was surprised that this Foodnerd has a HUGE baby bump & to boot isn’t due until Apr.
I’m looking for a surprise (PLEASE!) in a pocket somewhere, to find Tom’s keys that I have misplaced. That’ll save us $200 to $300 for the Pruis key alone.
Great! piles of wood Andy has there.
I think the insurance company wants proof, by the pictures, that you don’t have anymore solar panels hiding on some other side, even though solar panels need to face the sun.
I was especially surprised because young Foodnerd already has 3 boys & a baby girl.
That is a surprise about Foodnerd. We were surprised at the pictures they wanted, but it makes sense. When they went up to inspect a while back the woman got confused and ended up walking a mile and a half to get to us. Asking for informative pictures about the changes makes sense.
my biggest surprise just a few minutes ago.
after days and days of fighting this dang wordpress and computer…
found my pictures file and am able to upload pictures again!
biggest surprise to me! it just never happens to me in tekkie land! XO
and plus…
i love that little cabin on the mountaintop. it’s simply beautiful.
i think it should be named … hardwork but worth it! ?
As I wrote on your blog, “Yay, tammy!” Isn’t it a great feeling when we finally figure something out?
Yes, why did the insurance company want pictures of all four corners? Did they want to satisfy themselves that the building looked structurally sound?
No surprises in my life just now, all very predictable. Unless you count the sudden disappearance of Vegemite from our local supermarket. Sheer naked anti-Aussie prejudice.
My husband’s brother & family lived in Sidney for 5 years & brought back a ton of Vegemite—terrible stuff. I think we ate it all but it took a few years.
The insurance company wanted pictures of the other sides of the building to slow there were no more panels. The Browmans might be cheating 😀 You can’t trust anyone anymore.
I’m losing it. The Browmans weren’t asking for more $$ than for the panels shown in the pictures.
They already inspected the building when their representative came up. This fellow said every time people ask for more insurance, they want to check it out again.
Apparently looking at the whole outside of the house is just making sure nothing else has changed. They needed it to update their files. I agree with you, if we added things that weren’t insured, it would be our loss if the place was destroyed and we had to collect.
These conversations online get confusing. I thought you got $$ reduced off your insurance for having solar panels, being ecologically GREEN.
No reduction on insurance for being green — if there’s a subsidy it would come from someone else. Insurance would go up because it would cost more to replace the panels and installation.
Jean: so what you are saying is that insurance company wants those pictures if for some reason you need to “replace” and then if you argue that is bigger (later) they can say “no, here is the evidence”
NZ changed it’s house insurance here, recently because of the earthquakes that tore Christchurch apart, the house replacement costs somehow didn’t meet the previous values. So cost of owning a house is quite expensive, maybe not the initial purchase but the replacement costs…I don’t know the full in/outs as I don’t own a house.
Although, there was some ways around it – differing plans depending on your needs and also if you are over 65. One of my friends in that age bracket was advised to have a new plan, different name, similar service, cost a bit less…a discount I guess
I only now have house contents insurance – as I own the contents, i.e. the couch I’m sitting on!
BHB: I don’t think any regular insurance company cares too hoots about your “green/sustainable” ideals. Although, your own overhead expenses do come down as you utilise those incentives. I think Jean/Andy will use less gas with the s/panels – gas might not be expensive but it’s another commodity to lug up for your cottage excursions etc…
They need proof that we have something, but we’re not sure why they care if we over or under value it. If we overvalue it we pay more premiums but they pay more if it’s destroyed. If we undervalue it we pay smaller premiums but they pay less if something happens. Who knows?
No really important surprises…
The new bus card, really does have a mind of it’s own, one day the cost will $3.40 and the next time, same ride in same direction $4.47! Although there are no zones that equate to this 2nd number! It should be either $3.40 or $4.05 with the card…
The new bus card hasn’t been making customers terribly happy at all, they say teething problems but we didn’t have any of that when it was introduced to the train…
It sounds as if they’re having real problems. I can imagine the customers are unhappy not knowing what to expect.
I did not have any time to be surprised about anything. I was away for a family reunion at Chennai down South and returned to Pune only on Sunday, having been away since the last Sunday.
Rummuser: maybe your word is not “surprised” but rather something else “interesting”
So, no surprises at the reunion. I assume you had a good time?
a “good” surprise here today…it’s quite true what officeperson #2 said – the meter that tells the power company how much power is being consumed to heat the water – is not being charged. Weekly power update shows 9% down!
Never had that much % down when in-house…since with this interesting company!
However, company contractors are notin any hurry to fix the problem because I have “power and hotwater” – well there you go
a very nice surprise!!!
That’s great!
Cathy, touche! Jean, no bar the one incident of meeting two young in laws and one niece who landed up unannounced. But the reunions, yes one big party and a few smaller ones were all simply fantastic and my daughter in law was duly impressed with the nuts of my side of the equation.
That’s great, too!