It’s Spring!

It’s spring! Andy’s woodpile lasted the winter:


The pussy willow has catkins.


And the daffodils are starting to come up.

Andy has also ordered some fruit trees and will plant them when they arrive.

What is it like where you are?


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10 Responses to It’s Spring!

  1. Mike says:

    It got up to 70°F yesterday, today is supposed to be 10° cooler and the next several days in the 50s during the day and dropping below freezing at night. Daffodils have been blooming as is forsythia and Bartlet’s pears (echhh!… allergies!) but most everything else is much browner that normal for this late in the year.

    We’ve continued to clean up storm downed branches, many large enough to cut up for firewood, and brush. We’ve more than replenished what firewood we used during the year, but have moved into brush clearing, cleaning up an area that had become quite overgrown. Several small trees have contributed to the woodpile and today I took down a dead hardwood that was over a foot thick at the base of the trunk.

    • Jean says:

      It sounds as if you could use some rain too. Here in town the apricot trees are in bloom — they bloom early and usually don’t bear fruit because of frost, but every once in a while they luck out.

      It will be a while before we get enough vegetation for spots to be overgrown!

  2. Rummuser says:

    Absolutely normal for this time of the year. We have just had our spring festivals but we had some unseasonal hail storms which destroyed some standing crop and mango buds. Pune is 36 deg C maximum and 15 deg C minimum. I have started using the air conditioner for my siesta but not for the nights. From next week I may have to use for both.

  3. tammyj says:

    looks like he even has some to spare!
    our temps have been spring like during the day and still dipping very cold at night.
    though i haven’t used the heat now in weeks. i just put on a sweater and sweatpants.
    they’re so cozy and warm!
    i have the window open in the daytime and the sun streams in. i’m loving it!
    next thursday we have a 50% chance of rain. they’ve been wrong the last 2 times for us. so ….
    oh please!!!
    we’re like mike. BROWN EVERYWHERE is the color. parched.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      The sun can stream in without the window open. 😀

    • Jean says:

      Good luck on getting some rain! We could use some too.

      Down here in the apartment the sun only streams in our windows in the middle of winter. Usually it’s too high in the sky to get past our overhang. Enjoy!

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    We still the have sun, the cicadas and nightmarish crickets, we have breezes but not the very cold nature. Nights and early mornings are colder, but not to the point of finding winter jackets; although sometimes needing to pull up another blanket…

    Weather forecasting in this narrow neck of the island is always a problem…sometimes they get it right! Last weekend they got it wrong for most of the region (some however had power outages/trees down; some flooding) whilst the rest of the region saw the proverbial “storm in a teacup” – this due to the tailend of Cyclone Luisi.

    Very few of the trees who do “leaf fall” are into it yet…

    Technically Autumn arrived March 1st…

  5. Evan says:

    Not autumn on the coast where I am yet. Though it is starting to arrive in the mountains a little to the west.

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