Pierre Brassau
Brassau paints with powerful strokes, but also with clear determination. His brush strokes twist with furious fastidiousness. Pierre is an artist who performs with the delicacy of a ballet dancer.
—Art critic Rolf Anderberg, 1964
When he found out the painting he had critiqued was really painted by a chimpanzee, he said it was still the best painting in the exhibition.
If that isn’t encouraging to those of us who love to play with shapes and colors, I don’t know what is. 🙂
April 8, 2014
I have got a grin pasted on my face that refuses to go away.
Me too!
This post goes a long way in explaining why I did not embark upon a career of becoming a renowned art critic. I wonder how Mr. Anderberg would rate the artistic work of the Asian Elephants from Thailand that have become renown in their own right in the art world.
Don’t worry Warhol, none of the critters have starting painting Campbell soup cans yet! 😕
I don’t worry about art or art critics. I just focus on what I like. 🙂
ditto rummy!
go monk!!! xo