Yesterday I talked about the line in a shareholder’s report:
We improved revenue performance by slowing the rate of decline.
Andy and I thought that was funny. I wasn’t so tickled when I got this message on my Mac the other day:
Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you. Click Start New Backup to create a new backup. This will remove your existing backup history. This could take several hours. Click Back Up Later to be reminded tomorrow. Time Machine won’t perform backups during this time.
Huh? They verified my backups and are going to remove all history of them? Sure enough, they did remove all traces. Why make me have to contact Apple (I didn’t have luck looking on the internet and am still covered under Apple Care) to find out they meant
Time Machine has discovered your backups have been corrupted and can’t repair them. You will lose all access to them and will have to start over — this may take several hours. If you want to wait, click Back Up Later to be reminded tomorrow. Time Machine won’t perform perform backups during this time.
Did they really think using the terms verify and reliability would make me miss the fact the system failed to protect my backups? That didn’t happen. They just wasted my time on top of everything else.
Has obscure language ever wasted your time? Was it because the person writing/speaking had poor communication skills, was trying to put a positive spin on a situation, or because lawyers somehow got involved?
April 18, 2014
Sure, there was the instance of an online merchand announcing to me that he was glad to inform me that the book I had ordered is not yet available and will be sent to me when it will be. I had not ordered a book but a DVD and what got my goat was that he was glad that there was going to be delay!
Yes, I remember that post. “Glad to inform you” indeed!
i have NO idea what was really truly said in either scenario!!!
i’ve noticed the more doubletalk there is… the more they have to hide. not good!
i’ve just tried to access rummy’s blog 4 times in the last half hour and get …
‘this page cannot be displayed’ … ah … computerland!!!
That’s a fair guess — the more obscure the more they have to hide.
crazy person in charge of a machine
I also am (was having problems with all kinds of websites) ever since my server wanted me to change my password…and now my home laptop as decided that it will turn up its toes and not “like anything to do with the Net” – it will be an interesting time until something occurs…
in the meantime, I have carry around a book with all my favourite URLS as no machine seems to be able to save anything as such…
Good luck in getting it all straightened out! What a nuisance!
ohmygosh cathy!
that was so cool!
some amazing things about new zealand. just an amazingly unusual country.
and so beautiful. i really enjoyed that.
hope your computer problems don’t last long. it’s always so frustrating.
well. i’ve done it again… linked to cathy’s blog from here and left a comment and it showed up here instead of on her blog. oh tammy!
Instead of clicking directly on the title of her post, try right clicking on it and choosing Open Link in a New Tab.

Then you can go to the new tab to see her blog without closing this one. Assuming, of course, that your system works the way mine does!
I remember when right and left click of the mouse had not really good menus to look at…
I won’t be back online at home again anytime soon, therefore I will access Net via wi-fi that is available locally – sometimes for short time frame through to longer…
My computer still works, just doesn’t with the Net…am at Uni where I have a fair amount of freedom to get caught up on stuff – both assignments and here 🙂