
Andy modified the plumbing to the drain back tanks so he can have the option of increasing the flow to the coils in the floor. In some circumstances that will be more effective. (The new pipes are highlighted.)


And even though the grass is still sparse, we are getting some wildflowers — more than we had last year, when Andy sowed the seeds.




Any changes in your life lately? Needless to say, little ones count. Our grass and flowers are a bit pathetic, aren’t they? 😀


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11 Responses to Changes

  1. Rummuser says:

    I had the pleasure of the company of two house-guests for four days. They have just left and I am back to being on my own. A swing to an adjusted way of living to reverting to the old ways again!

  2. tammyj says:

    no flower bursting with life in difficult conditions is ever pathetic.
    i think they’re just beautiful monk!
    no major changes. just enjoying the boys. and they’re enjoying having their dad here and their mom with them … all together until sunday. then he goes back on duty.
    he’s been working 60 hour weeks for weeks on end. not much chance of seeing them.
    so this is a happy time!

    • Jean says:

      Wow! That’s way too many hours for a fellow with a family. I’m glad they’re all having a chance at a family vacation. I’m glad you’re having some time with the boys this summer. I can imagine what a happy time it is.

    • Jean says:

      PS I agree with you about the flowers!

  3. Evan says:

    We went on a brief trip to a friends poetry reading. It was lovely to see her and another friend.

    Great to see the flowers coming back.

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    “no flower bursting with life in difficult conditions is ever pathetic.” tammy
    This is exactly what I was going to say, only better.

    We had a day in Santa Fe Wed. with a wonderful dinner at a beautiful place–at the Schwab investing stock lectures that we go to. Food is always the best & I’m learning tho’ I’m not really interested in finance.

  5. Jean says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m not sure it would be worth it for me — I don’t like to sit, especially for lectures. Now if they let me walk on my NordicTrack treadmill it might be all right. 🙂

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