Old Transparent Apple Tree, 2001
This picture from yesterday’s post had the following description attached:
Transparent apple before bear
It turns out the barbed wire fence Andy, Kaitlin and I built around the garden/fruit tree area kept out the deer and the elk, so the transparent apple tree thrived. Until, that is, it had a bumper crop of apples and a bear broke through the fence and tore down half the branches to eat the fruit.
We then had the barbed wire replaced by a (hopefully) bear-proof chain link fence.

Transparent apple trees and fence, June 21, 2014
Have you ever noticed that success sometimes brings its own set of problems?
June 22, 2014
Yes, but that is life! Cause and effect can often offer mysterious developments! Just look at Iraq!
People going to war are usually way too optimistic!
War got rid of Hitler but since then has caused problems.
almost every single thing I do around my home
I eventually think to myself,
I would have been better off leaving it alone.
I’ve been told that
I create my own chaos.