Little new damage to the roads. There wasn’t much rain last night, and Andy says there was a just gentle drizzle up there today.
Andy did take some pictures of our part of the road. This one is down towards the bottom. When the culverts were blocked some water flowed down the road instead of in the ditch to the left.

August 1, 2014
The road is about three feet lower than it was on August 20, 2011. Notice how low the bank on the right side was.

August 20, 2011

August 20, 2011
That all changed a day or so later, when we had a monster gully washer. Here’s a picture taken August 23, 2011.

August 23, 2011
As we know, water can be powerful.
A lot of people our age like to spend their money traveling. This is more our kind of adventure. What about you?
(The rest of the pictures Andy took yesterday are on Flickr.)
August 2, 2014
We’re just about packed and ready to go. Our oldest daughter and her hubby are back in the area and will be taking care of things here while we are gone. (We think) We’ll be back in a couple of months.
The county had a bunch of dump trucks haul gravel in to the short road next to us last week. Apparently, our two recent gully washers had scoured that road enough it needed repair. It’s only about the length of three or four city blocks so it usually doesn’t take long for the county grader to dress it up.
Have a great time!
I like knowing what you’re up to. 😀
So do I. That’s the fun of blogging, sharing our different lifestyles.
I spend it on whatever needs to be spent on, mostly on reading matter!
Yes, reading books can be adventurous too. 🙂
I don’t like travel either. A month away from home, living out of a suitcase, sitting on a bus, listening to the leader’s blah/blah, who wants your full attention. (Overseas tours.)
In India I was looking out the window instead & saw 20 or so women in their colorful, flowing to the ground saree’s, with baskets on their heads, leaving a field. Wonderful!!! Nobody else saw that.
……stuffing on the 3 huge meals a day, just because they’re “free” (already paid for), gaining weight so that the (silk & wool clothes) I had made don’t fit because I lose that weight when I eat normally at home. I know. It’s my fault for eating so much. See food; eat food. That’s me.
Our house, plus another house is full of family. Tom is making his (healthful ) waffles full of walnuts, fruits on top. I’m off to eat.
I hate being herded so mostly have avoided tours. The waffles sound good!
We just spent a month on a roadtrip across Aus and back. We enjoyed it, but wouldn’t want to do it very often.
That’s one long trip! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I can understand why you wouldn’t want to do it all the time. 🙂