With all the rain we’ve been having, we’ve gone from extreme drought to moderate drought. We’ll just have to see if it lasts.

July 30, 2013

July 29, 2014
The drought won’t be lifted until we have enough winter precipitation to replenish the ground water, and it’s too early to predict what will happen this year.
We do know that our local ski hill will have snow — man-made from water that will be pumped up from our local water supply. Does that sound crazy to you? One fellow says it just shows that around here water flows uphill, to where the money is. Does that sound too cynical?
August 7, 2014
Its good to see some improvement in the drought conditions. Hope it continues to improve in a moderate manner without any rain deluges that hurt more than they help.
Yes, it is crazy and yes is does sound cynical. To use your word – nuts!
Yes, that’s going too far to make snow (costing $$$$$) with our precious deep well water.
Right now the landscape is awash with green (where “CheerfulMonk” lives). We’ve had Lots of rain. It gets used on the surface making everything so lush. We need deep ground water.
It seems crazy to me too.
This is a reason Not to own a dog to add to my 20 other reasons. (I’ve had dogs I was attached to, too.)
Lydia (daughter from Sweden) is staying in another house, on a visit here, & the dog from there dug up, a corner of our planter, some of my new fragile plants. Then he tracked dirt up the stairs. You may think of this as a comment for the last post “A Dose of Pessimism”. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Yes, dogs do make messes!
our water table is still way too low. a three year drought does not mend quickly.
i think it’s spoiled and stupid to make man made snow in drought conditions.
but then…
we all know…
it’s always about the money.
thus the pessimist shows. LOL.
Spoiled and stupid sounds like a great way to describe it.