Yay, Old Folks!

Before the operation Andy’s surgeon said Andy would have less trouble recovering than a 21-year-old — older people are more used to aches and pains.

Andy laughed when he told me that.


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7 Responses to Yay, Old Folks!

  1. Dixie says:

    Here’s a thought – if old folks are so used to it – why not give “us” a ten percent discount off the price of surgery? There’s a good laugh!

  2. Rummuser says:

    I agree with the doctor. It has been my experience too that after surgery, older folks recover faster and with less moaning and groaning than younger patients.

  3. tammyj says:

    well. that makes me feel much better about being old! LOLOL.
    i have always thought of it as “bucking up.”
    my dad used to say it all the time when we were growing up and had any kind of pain…
    “oh buck up!” LOLOL. and you know what? we DID.
    and that has stayed always in my mind and helped me through any number of bad times.

    • Jean says:

      The current version of that is, “Suck it up!” Sometimes that’s appropriate, but other times I like, “Poor Baby!” better.

  4. KB says:

    I think that’s probably true!

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