Winning Isn't Everything

I’m somewhere between the two extremes. What about you?


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6 Responses to Winning Isn't Everything

  1. tammyj says:

    i can’t answer this.
    i’m still laughing.
    i LOVE this!!! talk about an opportunist! i love that dog.
    who needs their stupid test? you fools. i’m goin’ for the chow!!! LOLOL.
    and… i liked that everybody clapped for him anyhow.
    oh how i love dogs.

  2. Evan says:

    I’m with the golden retriever he got the goodies. The other creatures fulfilled someone else’s agenda and ignored there own needs for a pat on the head – this isn’t uncommon.

  3. Rummuser says:

    I have never been a winner! I like to stop, pause and smell the flowers on the way. That is perhaps why compared to many of my friends and members of my extended family, I am financially poorer but richer in experience and friends.

    • Jean says:

      Being able to choose for myself what to do with my time has always been more important than status or money for me, too. I’m surprised things turned out so well!

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