Monthly Archives: November 2014


I checked my Jawbone Fitness Tracker when I woke up yesterday morning, and I wondered about its math for a moment. From 1:32 to 9:08 is less than eight hours. How did it figure I slept so much? Oh, yes. … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 16 Comments

I Think I May Be a Geek

I think I may be a geek, because I laughed out loud at this email from American Science and Surplus: You know the trouble with department stores? Shop with us, there’s no reason to shop anywhere else. Sure, they have … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 10 Comments

Going Green

Yesterday tammy said it was too bad going green was so expensive, most people couldn’t afford it. There’s some truth to that. There was a meeting here in town the other day, and one of the topics was a proposal … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 15 Comments