Another Thing I’m Not Going to Try

As we already knew, different people do like different things!


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8 Responses to Another Thing I’m Not Going to Try

  1. Rummuser says:

    I am nuts, but not that much that I would even contemplate something as nutty as that.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      First you have to know how to ski, be a skier. I wonder if in northern Indian Himalayas there are ski runs like that. It’s terrifying –but thrilling to watch.

    • Jean says:

      I agree with you both. It would be crazy for me to try, but it sure was thrilling to watch.

  2. tammy j says:

    i have only one thing to say to persons who do that kind of thing.
    have all the ‘exciting’ fun you want.
    but if you break your legs… or your neck… or any part of yourself…
    DO NOT expect rescuers to risk their own sensible lives and their families’ futures
    to help your sorry inconsiderate backside.
    just die there. with all the memories of your exciting moments.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    hey Jean, put it on your bucket list for the next time around…you will be in a different time frame and you will “do it” – technology will back you the way around!

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