Last night I was going to try to work on the technical problems I was having with — the problems were (1) when I do backups to my computer they won’t open, presumably they’re corrupted, and (2) the technician couldn’t talk to me because his system didn’t recognize either the last four digits of my credit card number or of my password. So the technician sent me to billing to clear up that second problem. The billing fellow sent me a message letting me change my password, but instead of it letting me access my account, it disabled my login for five minutes.
The billing person then sent me another message for resetting the password and told me to try again in a few minutes. When Andy heard that, he asked if I could come and decide how we wanted our new curtains altered. The old ones are too short for our windows, and we didn’t want the blinds that the new owner was installing in most apartments, so I had ordered some new curtains from Amazon. They’re a bit too wide and and way too long, so I’m going to try a place in town that claims to do alterations.
That project took a while, and it had been a busy week, so the website problem would have to wait until today. Getting a bit more exercise and watching some episodes of Frasier to tickle my funny bone was clearly the best use of my time!
How was your week?
April 25, 2015
Busy as usual. One outing to see a movie, but otherwise home based activities including a lot of visitors and phone calls.
I assume you enjoyed the busyness?
well…. since you asked.
Mentally exhausted and emotionally draining because…..
I asked off for some vacation time! Hahahahahahahaha!
Just 3 days, but caused so much drama.
One of my workers replied to my text about the schedule by asking for one of those days off herself.
The other wanted a week off that over-lapped that time
And the one that is supposed to be coming back after knee surgery, informed me that she might be going in for the other knee now.
So, kinda not a fun week but I think I finally got it figured out.
Other than than, it was a good week!
LOL! 🙂
oh for gosh sakes.
god forbid you should ever have YOUR knee done!
or get a more than ONE day off at a time.
that place makes me BOIL.
and i’m afraid frasier and exercise wouldn’t do it for me.
i’ve never seen such toxic and self centered people!
thank heaven your work is with the animals!!!!
It’s sounds like the drama is the normal state of affairs. Did you manage to get your vacation time scheduled? What part does the boss play in this dysfunction?
Nope, a situation like this needs more than Frasier and exercise, it needs skill development. (Don’t forget I taught classes in emotional aikido and dealing with difficult people, and that there was a reason I studied those topics!)
you’ve got a heating and air unit like mine it looks like!
only mine is not under the window.
people who will do alterations are kind of hard to come by.
i only know of one lady in our city who does them! and she’s covered up usually.
she’s very nice. from viet nam. and does beautiful work.
thankfully all my hosting problems are through the captain’s business.
i just pay him and he solves the problems. i’m spoiled rotten. i admit it!
There’s a place in town that I can try. If not, I do have a sewing machine and we can hack something up. It would be nice not to have to take the time.
Last week was busy, trying to catch up on things I missed doing the week before when sick (better now) and at the same go to regular leisure/craft events I needed to be at…
Somehow the art bag went happily on it’s way to mentor, but when I sent her an email about some part of it – got automatic reply thing that she would not be back until this Wednesday! Ooops something not right there as her last email said she would be back Tuesday (tomorrow). Oh well, maybe it is down there although with a public holiday thrown at us today because ANZAC day was on Saturday, maybe the bag is still in transit…
I might have to do a blog post because one of the items I sent away (I’ve now made a few more) was interesting technique that mentor wants me do more of and explain how I did it. Well now, I’m not telling her at all as I think it is something for the future!
Then there is the jewelry tutoring stuff – which was and is exciting but I have to get a few things first before I can really have a practice and “what-if” stuff with it all…
I know what you mean about having to catch up after being sick. I’m still doing that! It sounds as if you have a lot on your plate. Hopefully you’re enjoying most of it. 🙂