Yay, Moisture!

We had some more moisture!






Needless to say, we were happy to see it.


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6 Responses to Yay, Moisture!

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    the 3rd picture with small fence around a sprouting tree – reminds me of a large poodle looking over the fence 🙂

    We had some moisture as well, but it’s not white and thick like your stuff. Rather blustery and wet-as. I had to rug up and go out in it today, take a bus to a slightly different place and find a house I’ve never been too…if it hadn’t been booked for tuitiion I might well have stayed home!

    Of course, now it’s not raining, well as far as I’m aware, it’s dark now late evening..

    • Jean says:

      It does look like a poodle, doesn’t it. 🙂 That’s too bad it had to rain when you had to go out, but I’m glad you’re feeling better!

  2. Rummuser says:

    Yes, I well know how important it is for the young greenery there.

  3. Cindi says:

    Well…if you are happy,
    then I’m happy.
    But I’d be crying if I looked outside and saw that.

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