As I’ve said before, Sammy has sensitive feet, and the fire burned off the organic matter on the ground. So booties help a lot. He had trouble with them at first:
But he soon got the hang of them.
Again, thank you Torben, for the videos!
July 4, 2015
Good thing that they are available there. I must check to see if they are here too.
They’re not perfect by any means. Dogs have sweat glands on their feet that they use for cooling, so one has to be on the alert for overheating. (Especially true in India!) See this extreme case. The walk they took was on a road and about 2 1/2 miles long. Sammy walked about 2 miles, then Kaitlin, Andy and Montana walked up so Kaitlin could get the car and come back for Torben and Sammy. Not too bad for an old fellow at around 8,000 feet in altitude.
They all took a shorter walk yesterday morning and we all took another one last night. On both walks he had enough energy at to try to chase rabbits.
He really caught on quickly!
Nice to see.
Yes, he does quite well. 🙂 Except that yesterday morning the booties went flying when he started to chase a rabbit. (Torben retrieved them all.) And yesterday evening he lost one when he was exploring some bushes. We didn’t catch it in time so couldn’t find it. They’re still a blessing.
oh sammy! so cute walking in those boots… AFTER he finally got up! LOL.
i remember they had to send for boots for all the rescue dogs that worked here after the bombing. their feet were getting cut from the debris everywhere. someone… i don’t remember whom… sent hundreds of boots… FREE!
i’m so glad sammy’s feeling better. i couldn’t handle walks at 8000 feet so well as he!!!
Yes, rescue dogs really need them. Paws are sensitive. And Sammy does look cute. 🙂
I always get a grin watching the dogs trying to get used to wearing the boots. We have purchased several kinds, and ones you have seem to be the easiest for them to get used to, and even keep on!
Hope you’re doing well, and I hope you have a safe 4th!
We had a great day, thanks! As usual, you seem to be busy, but I’m glad you had so much time off. It’s so important.
cute boots – practical as well…
I think they’re cute, too.