May and June are usually dry here, and it’s hard on the vegetation. But we lucked out this year — there was plenty of moisture and the weather was still warm enough for the plants to flourish.
We spent a lot less on roadwork in 2014 than we did in each of the three previous years, and we’re hoping this year will be even better. Yay, moisture! Here in the American Southwest we never take it for granted.
July 9, 2015
Having recently had some landslides due to the removal of the topsoil / green cover, closeby, I know how important it is to have such cover on hilly terrain. I am glad for you.
I was raised in California, and a lot of new houses would slide down the hills after the first good rains. They needed the lost vegetation to keep the soil in place.
It’s so good to see all that green cover coming back. Next: a new generation of trees. Do you see many signs of that starting?
There are plenty of aspens, but the only evergreens are the ones people plant.
I’m so glad you got some moisture to help everything grow and take hold!
It rained again here overnight…
I have to remind myself that it’s a good thing.
Much better than not enough.
Too bad we can’t spread it around to places that so desperately need it.
Yes, we would love to see it spread around, too. But Mother Nature doesn’t care.
look at that!
just last year nothing!!!
and now so lush and green. i’m happy.
we’ve had the wettest summer on record. nobody can quite believe it.
i’m loving it of course!
rummy said we’re having his monsoons!
I’m glad you’re getting rain, too!
It is amazing how green it is up there right now!
Yes, it seems like a miracle after all the drought.
lookin’ good on the land front…
Yes, so far it has been a great year.