There are some things I don’t like about modern technology, but unlike Pig I do love parts of it.
Kaitlin and Torben always drive to Ann Arbor, Michigan whenever there is a home game in the University of Michigan football stadium. And today the game was being televised nationally, so I turned it on. I didn’t know where Kaitlin and Torben were sitting, so I texted them with my new cell phone. They told me Section 18, so I went to the internet, found a stadium map, and located their section. They also told me where the student section (easily recognized by all the pompoms) was. So as I watched the game I knew approximately where Kaitlin and Torben were sitting. How cool was that? (We were also able to chat a bit via text.)
One of modern life’s little miracles.
September 13, 2015
Could you see them on the big screens that they normally have on such games?
The official attendance was 109,651 spectators, so it was hard to make out individuals. Especially when the broadcasters were more interested in what was going on in the field than on my seeing Kaitlin and Torben. 🙂
In fact, we were lucky Kaitlin could answer my texts. At first she could receive my message but couldn’t send, but then it started drizzling and it worked. She said cell phones usually don’t work at the stadium, maybe because the network is overloaded with so many people trying to use it? Anyway, ignorance was bliss for me.
now THAT is very cool! kind of like almost being at the game with them.
and i love the cartoon too. 🙂
Yes, ultracool!
What fun and what a feeling of accomplishment; who cares who won! btw, your pix of all the flowers and greenery after weeks of wetness were delightful. In the last month, we’ve finally had a bit more than an inch of rain. Itty bitty shoots and leaves are showing up in what had looked, for at least 3 months, like bare dirt. Seeds are extraordinary, have you read Thor Hansen’s book (titled Seeds)? May not sound like a book to run out and get, but he has the gift of opening new doors of interest.
Who cares who won? Best not to say that within earshot of Torben and Kaitlin. 🙂 The “good guys” did win, 35 to 7.
Thanks for the book recommendation. I might get it from
how fun is that – all through modern technology – being at the same game in a different place as well…
Yes. To me it’s a miracle, and definitely fun. 🙂
I Agree!
Very cool.