
Unfortunately Opal is right, even if we want peace and serenity doesn’t mean other people won’t try to spoil it.


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11 Responses to Serenity

  1. I agree with you and Opal — Too many times people just don’t “get it.”

  2. Rummuser says:

    Quite often I find that such people simply want to find out what makes the peaceful one so peaceful.

  3. Cindi says:

    the joy of living alone.
    no one to bug you.
    well, sort of…
    but those I can shut in the laundry room if I need to.
    😀 😀 😀

  4. By the look on his face, Earl appears to be getting it. The concept, I mean, not the point!

  5. tammy j says:

    where WAS i yesterday??? WHAT was so important that i missed monk
    and the pickles??? LOLOL!
    don’t you love all the comments? 🙂
    cindi never fails to crack me up. just put’em in the laundry room. LOL.
    she’s right. only one of the bennies of living alone.
    although i always practiced yoga when i had my bob. and he was fine with leaving me alone. but then… he was just very fine indeed. 🙂

  6. Cathy in NZ says:

    I wish I could put some of my pestiers in the laundry room – but unfortunately that is where the basement is with the guys furniture!

    Yep, why do people want to rain on your parade – I’ve got a person [actually I’ve got a few] who think I know sod all, and want to help – but they show things that I already knew about or things that will look plain awful with whatever…

    • Jean says:

      I also don’t understand people who want to rain on others’ parades. I encourage enthusiasm, even if the person is interested in different things than I am. Life is too short not to feel fully alive.

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