Making a Difference

Here’s a heartwarming story of mothers who made a big difference for some Syrian refugees. One California woman started the idea, and a lot of others joined her to give slings/carriers to parents who had been carrying their children in their arms.

Good for them!


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14 Responses to Making a Difference

  1. I saw this on the news last week, and it’s a good story! You could see the thanks and appreciation from the refugees, and how touched the volunteers handing them out were. What a difference they are making for those parents that have so far to go!

  2. Rummuser says:

    Practical and sensible.

  3. Cindi says:

    wow, I love seeing this.
    nice to reminded of stories of caring people
    when the News is full of so much hate.
    thank you.

  4. I love stories like this. We are preparing to welcome thousands of refugees in Canada within the next few weeks. While we are aware that what we can officially provide is only a trickle in the wave of need, our citizens are reaching out in community-based programs to help in other ways. Older people among us remember other times of great international need. We were not perfect—we made mistakes, but for the most part, our hearts went out to people displaced by horrifying events, and we made a difference.

  5. tammy j says:

    thank you for this monk.
    tears streamed the whole time i watched it.
    and to know about the link to to find out how to be able to also help in some way personally… thank you again.

  6. nick says:

    What a great idea. It must make a huge difference to have a carrier for your child, especially if you’re walking long distances.

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