Only the Second Best Thing?
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Unfortunately a lot of people think screaming is better than solving problems. Emotions sell better than thinking does.


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13 Responses to Only the Second Best Thing?

  1. tammy j says:

    love the cartoon.
    maybe instead of screaming… classes in the world’s results of over population?

    • Jean says:

      Too many people worry more about the aging population, not enough youngsters entering the workforce, than they do the consequences of overpopulation. So if they scream it’s about another topic.

  2. Ursula says:

    “Solving a problem” and “screaming” are not mutually exclusive. Sometimes they are brothers in arms, screaming being the safety valve of frustrated efforts letting off steam.

    I don’t “scream” but will shout (same difference) – preferably in the privacy of my own and no one else’s earshot.


    • Jean says:

      Some people do both, but I know a lot of people who would rather rant than be constructive. We’re all different.

    • Toni says:

      Love, love, love coming up with solutions but it doesn’t prevent me from an occasional primal scream in the privacy of my car while cruising down the freeway. Of course, I always follow it up with a little James Taylor or Jim Croce.

    • Jean says:

      Sounds great to me. 🙂

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    a bit of a problem here today, trying to fathom out the new system at my voluntary jobs’ bank…

    I have all the red bags, the forms and of course the stupid booklet – except it’s not a tiny booklet.

    I end up with throwing stuff on my bed [& screaming}…fill in, all together the same form = 4x, because I keep making mistakes with what is in which box. Although the final biffed form was because the instructions on how to use the “red bag” not at all clear and I tear off the wrong bit…

    I actually can’t see in the booklet which bit is to be used as the seal – it makes no sense…

    So I go to the stupid branch that created this new system and am told “all managers in a meeting, but Joan will help you as she knows about the red bag system!

    Except Joan doesn’t help – she continues to serve everyone else – so I JUST TAKE OFF. I’ve now found out a City branch isn’t operating this stupid system so as I’m going there tomorrow will bet it done…

    we changed to the red bag system because of the fiasco in early December when the manual err computerised system failed miserably with depositing coins! Fortunately that day I knew exactly what coins I was depositing and when the stupid asst reversed the process – she didn’t even apologise!!!

    I will be telling the committee in Feb that we are CLOSING ACCT AND MOVING TO A SENSIBLE BANK that still uses a drop box – easy peasy… my own personal bank has a simple drop box!

  4. Rummuser says:

    I wonder what the parents of the babies would have to say!

  5. Cindi says:

    I get how screaming can let off steam
    but I must agree that if that is all that’s done,
    it’s better to shut up and just solve the problem.

    • Jean says:

      I try to channel as much of my emotional energy as I can into doing something constructive. Needless to say, sometimes that works better than at others. 🙂

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