Being Here Now
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Some moments are more pleasant than others.


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8 Responses to Being Here Now

  1. tammy j says:

    the greatest mystery known to man…
    why they ALL LOVE to roll around in that “special” substance. LOLOLOL!
    maybe they know something WE don’t know!
    maybe it’s the answer to all our ills. LOL.
    one thing is for sure… we’ll never know if it is.
    because nobody in their right mind would do it. 🙂

  2. True words that I know all too well! 🙂

  3. Rummuser says:

    Perfect antidote for the here and now! Eckhart Tolle will be amused.

  4. Cindi says:

    I personally think they roll around in it for one of two reasons.
    Either they love the smell so much and are so overjoyed with the aroma, that they must revel in it…
    Or, they are using the scent to disguise their own, so that they can track down whoever left it without detection.
    Either way, gross.

    • Jean says:

      The second explanation makes some evolutionary sense. The first one makes sense too, because some dogs like to eat poop. But definitely not our taste!

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