New Technology
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Andy and I don’t use whale oil for our lamps, but we did have to practice phoning one another on our fliptop cell phones the other night. We wanted to be sure we knew how to answer if someone phoned us — somehow having to push “Send” didn’t seem intuitive. Anyway, we know how to do it now even though Rat and Pig would scoff at us too.


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8 Responses to New Technology

  1. There are days when I could just junk all of our computers, phones and devices. Seems there is always something that needs uploading, downloading or updating! But down deep, I really love them!

    • Jean says:

      I agree that the maintenance can be a pain at times, but on the whole it’s an easy way to connect with kindred spirits without having to leave home. And I get most of my news online because I can view it in large type — a real blessing.

  2. tammy j says:

    poor old steph!
    i watched a little mini documentary on children of this era …
    put into a room with a simple telephone of the past with a circular dial.
    they couldn’t figure out ‘what it did’ or ‘how it worked.’
    and i ditto diane.
    ” but down deep i really love them ” too!

    • Jean says:

      Our phone in the living room is a rotary-dial wall phone. A girl knocked on my door a few years ago asking if she could borrow the phone to call her mom. Until I saw the expression on her face it didn’t dawn on me she wouldn’t know how to use it. We both learned something. 🙂

  3. Cindi says:

    I love having all this technology!
    I think it’s amazing.
    I get so frustrated when someone my age or older scoffs and refuses to learn.
    How incredibly silly and how sad.
    We are so lucky to be this advanced and continually having NEW things being invented.
    I wish that I was younger so I could enjoy it longer…
    but I’m also kinda glad they didn’t exist when I was young and foolish.
    This way I can deny bad behavior and there’s no photo documentation to show otherwise!

    • Jean says:

      I think we appreciate the new technology a lot more because we didn’t have it when we were younger. I love your comment about no pictures of past indiscretions. 😀

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    one of the men next door, who is such a whizz with a computer insides – still hasn’t managed to get off the “mouse” even with the fancy inbuilt mouse gadgets – every time he needs to look at my laptop – he says “where’s the mouse, I know you’ve got one…” “yep, I’ve got one but I rarely use it now…”

    then the other evening when I wanted some help with my new smart phone, I found out he hasn’t even got one! I was quite shocked especially since he runs a business that has a lot to do with smart technology in taxis [cabs]…he said “martin and evan laugh at me”…

    i had to wait for m & e to come to work the next day and it was all done in a jiffy. actually what e did – I could’ve done myself but the young woman at vodafone made out it was “hard to do”….

    I mostly love the Net and all it offers….

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