I’ve been seeing headlines about the huge data leak of the Panama Papers. For the most part I haven’t been reading the articles, but I do think Matt Wuerker did a great job of explaining why some people are upset at others using off-shore havens to avoid taxes. No doubt about it, the topic is timely.
April 13, 2016
The Panama leaks have had their impact over here too and some very bizarre things have happened as a result. For instance, one famous movie star claims that his name has been stolen and he does not have any overseas accounts at all. Others have claimed that their remittances have all been legal. Some accounts have Indian addresses in slums! It is still unfolding here.
In fact, they may very well be right. As the article points out, not everyone with an off-shore account is doing anything illegal. But as the cartoon shows, there’s enough tax-dodging going on to help explain why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Not good for social stability, as the Trump phenomenon is pointing out. (It does look as if the Republican establishment will be able to stop him from getting the nomination.)
Panama papers will have repercussions for a long time. Politicians and scandalously rich people will feel the heat, hopefully! I believe we need taxes, but can’t stand tax evasion by the privileged!
Fingers crossed that it will do some good!
I think it has filtered down to NZ as well, but I’ve not been taking any notice…
You have a lot more interesting things on your plate!