What More Needs to Be Said?


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12 Responses to What More Needs to Be Said?

  1. I totally agree – People are missing so much by not putting their phones down!

  2. Audra E says:

    yes, lol. But also, I envy dogs for finding the ground so enticing. I look down a lot, too, but it’s to keep from tripping over roots and rocks. Not the same sense of delicious interest….

  3. nick says:

    Well, I think there’s a place for both. Interesting things can turn up on a phone, but when I’m walking round the neighbourhood I enjoy looking at the people and scenery. Dogs of course will never see a phone as anything but an annoying distraction that stops the human attending to their every need.

    • Jean says:

      The dogs are right, of course. If humans have time to look at their phones they have time to play with their dogs.

  4. Cindi says:

    If a person is outside, I would say that’s true.
    But inside, I read blogs and Facebook and such on my phone so….

    Did you see that tragic photo of a man in a small boat looking at his phone and behind him, he misses seeing a humpback whale rising out of the ocean?

    and of course I saw that photo on my phone! LOL!

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