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It’s just a matter of time before Koko’s human comes out. Finding Montana is a lot more work!
Kaitlin and Torben are doing all the recommended things. Notifying the police, vets, and animal shelters. Putting up a notice on Craig’s List, telling people on Facebook, etc. And putting up hundreds and hundreds of posters. When Kaitlin was ordering more of them at Staples one of the customers said, “Oh, no! Are you Montana’s owner?” The word is getting out, and a lot of people have been helping.
Friday morning Kaitlin and Torben received a call from a pound saying they had Montana, so they rushed over. Unfortunately it was a false alarm.

10-pound dog at the pound

40-pound Montana
They were all disappointed, including the fellow at the pound, that it wasn’t her.
Yesterday they received a text saying Montana was seen in Chicago Heights.
But that one is highly unlikely.
A dog looking like a smaller version of Montana was sleeping in its front yard when a policeman knocked on the door of the house. He asked the woman if that was her dog because it looked like Montana. Again, a lot of people are concerned and are trying to help.
Some people in Fort Sheridan, where she might be, offered to let Torben put Montana’s crate and food on their property in the hopes she would find it and feel safe.
Sammy has been providing updates at Montana Moments, and our fingers are still crossed.
And bless everyone who is helping/trying to help.
how wonderful of that woman to offer that. that’s a good idea.
I wish the chips they put in dogs (and kitties) had a tracking device in them.
that would have solved this anquish.
I have never known of such a blanket of help and concern in such a broad area. it’s so heartening! there is still so much kindness in this world.
if montana only knew what is going on in her behalf!
I still feel she’ll be found.
but I worried when the other little dog was found that people might stop looking thinking it was montana. I’m glad to see they’re still helping.
People have stopped looking in some cases, but when they see us ask and then say they will get the word out. One of our colleagues at work noticed Montana was not on the List Dogs of Il Facebook page and tried to post. Thankfully she did! A volunteer had taken it down because she thoughtMontana was found. My friend’s query led to this being cleared up so we should be more or less back on track. The majority of people are just so wonderful. The out pouring of help from total strangers is amazing. Montana will be quite pleased with how famous she is, when we have a chance to tell her.
I was thinking the same thing as tammy — they need a tracking device in the microchip. I think Whistler has a GPS for a collar device, but it wouldn’t help when she escaped before the groomer put her collar back on.
So sorry to hear about Montana being missing. But it is encouraging to read about the efforts of so many people in trying to find her. My thoughts are with her owners, who must be frantic!
They’re working hard to make sure they’re doing everything they can. I’m guessing they’re feeling exhausted but are still trudging on.
My best wishes that she is reunited with Kaitlin soon.
Thank you.
I just know that they will find her!
They are doing all the right things.
It WILL happen.
Many years again, my cat Ghost became lost.
I was frantic, especially since he was so scared of people.
I had a lot of calls about sightings and they all seemed to be going further away!
Eventually he was found, in a storm drain in a park, the next town over.
Thankfully he was microchipped!
He was gone for a month and three days and is now sleeping in the living room!
Keep the Faith!
animals can move quite fast – and I think they are good at cadging a ride, so I wouldn’t say “not her, as per your map” – virtual hug to all involved