The Wonders of Modern Technology
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13 Responses to The Wonders of Modern Technology

  1. Cathy using technology says:

    We love it & we hate it, we seem to need it, even when we have our own brain. In this case a paper map!

  2. Cathy in NZ says:

    I see my comment is awaiting moderation – I used modern technology: namely my smart phone to reply…to a/ see if worked, b/ because it seemed a fun idea…

  3. Cindi says:

    cute. 😀

  4. Ursula says:

    Thanks for the laugh, Jean. In its up side down logic the conclusion of that cartoon is simply brilliant. The Angel declined the offer of that tracking device lowering his insurance premium by a fraction. I am so happy that neither bears nor wolves be able to have him for dinner – unless he takes the wrong turn.


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