This wolf has my utmost sympathy. One of the happiest days of my life was when I got my first glasses when I was 13. That was back in the days when “Men never make passes at girls who wear glasses.” I didn’t care. I could see.
Do you have any feelings about eye glasses, one way or another?
September 30, 2016
Do I have feelings about glasses? Not really. For myself I prefer contact lenses. but that’s mainly because they are more practical, not in the way, and being as short sighted as I have grown to be they give much better vision than any glasses can do – by virtue of sitting directly on your own lens rather than the correcting glass a little distance away.
There comes a time in the history of a “sight challenged” when you are happy to be able to see at all – never mind by what means. A sentiment I believe you and I do share.
Yes, as long as our eyes still function, that’s the main thing.
I think glasses are fantastic for those who need them to see, such as Karen and our oldest daughter.
For me, it’s a bit of a frustration. I can see fine for all but small print, but for visual clarity in print or on the computer monitor, I need glasses. I don’t complain, though. I wear them all the time, often forgetting to change them out for safety glasses when I’m doing something that could damage or mar the lens, such as mixing concrete.
I have glasses with different prescriptions depending on what I’m doing. I’m grateful for them. Andy needs glasses for reading now, but not for the computer or distance.
I wish that I did not have to wear them. I could not join the Indian Navy, which I wanted to very badly, because of myopia. Corrective glasses changed things for the better in the classroom but that disappointment has never really left me. I thought of going in for laser surgery to get rid of them a few years ago but my Optho advised me against it considering my age.
It’s too bad they didn’t have Lasik surgery when you were young. Your life would have been a lot different!
I only need them for distance.
I see perfectly fine everything close up. so I don’t need them for reading etc.
I’m the opposite of most people my age who laugh about ‘playing the trombone’ effect.
but classes make me feel claustrophobic somehow. it’s always a relief to just take them off after driving. it’s weird.
and i’m sure it’s psychological! but in all these years I still feel that way.
I’m glad you don’t need them all the time. After all these years I’m used to mine.
things have changed for me – I rarely have my glasses on when at home – but I wear them when I’m out in case I fall over a crack in the ground/etc. But when I have to look down to a lower shelf in the supermarket/library – I need to take them off or put on my computer glasses which I keep in my bag…
this has only just occurred in the last few years, where I can see better with them off. The optometrist wanted me to get a new pair, but I didn’t really see the point…I will if the darn things get broken.
Yes, our eyes aren’t nearly as adaptable now.
I both look and see better with my glasses on. I think they give definition to my rather bland face. I got my first pair in my early 20s. The optometrist said I only needed to use them to see distances. I replied, “Isn’t that all the time except when I’m reading?” He said, “most people never figure that out.”
I got my glasses in the 5th grade.
I hated them.
Years later I wore contacts all the time and was very vain about glasses.
Now a zillion years later, I wear carefully chosen eyeglasses.
One is a turquoise blue. Another a thin gold rim but my favorite ones are my black cat eye glasses.
I can’t read a clock or see the expression on a face across a room without them but right now, as I tap out this comment on my phone, I had to take them off to see.
That’s mostly why I don’t wear contacts now. They make it hard to see up close and I’m always doing up close.
😀 😉
When I had my cataract surgery I asked that the new lens be for reading/close work. That’s what I’m used to, and it matches the other eye.