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What is January like for you? It’s officially summer for Cathy in New Zealand, and it appears to be very warm for Rummuser in Pune, India. And Linda is in Minnesota, which has a reputation for miserable winters.
Our weather this January has been strange — more precipitation, but down here in town most of it in the form of rain. Portland, Oregon is just the opposite — snow storm after snow storm instead of their usual rain. Not that all the residents of the zoo are complaining.
Has your weather been unusual too?
January 17, 2017
On the contrary, it has been a very unusually cold winter for us here in Pune so far though it has warmed up somewhat the last couple of days due to cloud formation over the city. It is expected to dip down to between 7 and 8 deg C minimum with around 26 deg C average noon temperatures here.
Your highs are still warm for us!
Yes, Jean, the weather has been different this year for us, here on the Pacific North West coast. Colder, a little snow, and we are not used to it! Just warming up a bit for the first time since before Christmas. Have a great day, All!
Do they think it is just a fluke or maybe a new normal? Apparently Portland is wondering if they have to have a plan for snow removal now. Before it was no problem, it would melt right away.
Such happy playing in the Portland snow!
Up here on San Juan Island, we’ve had the longest cold spell (quite a few days below freezing) in many years. Plus a windstorm last weekend that left so much litter all over our land that we are still cleaning up and burning the stuff. Now the driveway looks as it usually does after big wind: branches of various sizes here and there. Before, it was an almost solid mat of greenery. Only a couple of big trees fell, fortunately, and neither on a structure.
Thank goodness the trees didn’t fall on the house! And hopefully you don’t get many winds that powerful. Our winds don’t have to be that strong to topple the dead trees, of course. 🙂
New Zealand has been fickle – just after Christmas in what would be deemed early summer, it was snowing in places in the South Island where it doesn’t usually snow that time of the year!
Up here where I am in Auckland, we are usually in cicada and humidity time – it’s not arrived. I’ve not heard any cicadas! The weather although warmer has a chill breeze – nice in a way if you’ve in a sunny spot but not nice in a shady (or usual wind tunnel)
One day when I was out, I got a bit of sunburnt nose…but it wasn’t full-on because next day all gone. My exposed arms are browning up but not full on burn…
But there are areas in NZ, in difficulties – rural fires causing building and land damage which means they are tinder dry. Takes only a cigarette butt from a moving car or similar.
Down in SI today and parts of the NI – severe weather storm coming in…
The problem with NZ is it’s shape – long and thin with it sitting a couple hours flight from Aussie, vast ocean to Sth American and edging close to equator/S.Pole….open for all weathers!
Andy and I have a warm spot in our hearts for NZ, and we’re sorry to hear you too have problems with forest fires. I would have thought you would get plenty of moisture being surrounded by ocean.
Thanks for the link to the maps. I just looked up “droughts in NZ”, and they expect them to be more frequent and of longer duration because of climate change. Bummer!
I think the wind kind of sends “rain” away, often quite fast…and often the very tropical type warm winds especially at this time of the year…quite icy in the winter, when it’s chill-wind up here come Winter, we know it’s snowing somewhere not far away…
Thanks. That makes sense.
I LOVED the zoo video clip! it’s wonderful.
isn’t that little seal patting the other seal with its flipper … so adorable!
how they ALL are simply loving the snow! even the elephant! like little kids!
it warms my heart.
our weather is a yo yo as always. we never know what to expect.
it’s unlike any other place in the country. I suppose that is something in itself.
wish I could be more proud of it. LOLOL! but you know how I feel. 😀
The video warmed my heart, too. Especially the one seal patting the other. And who would have guessed the elephant would like snow!
Our January is typical Northern Ireland weather – cold and rather wet but no snow and only the occasional frost. The last bit of severe winter weather was at the end of 2010 – solid snow and ice for about six weeks until it finally melted.
Wow! I’m surprised at the snow and ice lasting so long. And presumably you’re not set up to handle it.
Sweet video.
It was really cold here.
Then it warmed up and we had an ice storm.
Now daytime highs are in 30’s – 40’s and rain and MUD.
I hate this.
Mud everywhere and trees are bare, grass is brown and I can’t stand it.
Mud is yucky, but better than ice storms, I think. Ice is scary.