For Better or Worse

I laughed out loud at this The Economist cover. For better or worse, Trump is here.

A lot of people are worried. As The Economist says,

As Mr. Trump assumes power, the world is on edge. From the Oval Office, presidents can do a modest amount of good. Sadly, they can also do immense harm.

We shall soon see.


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13 Responses to For Better or Worse

  1. Rummuser says:

    A great cover indeed. And, yes, interesting times are ahead. In the USA, UK and India too. 2017 will be full of roller coaster rides. I am looking forward to it.

  2. Cathy in NZ says:

    I can “see” all kinds of things – about the changes in some of our main economic power houses.

    the cover picture is insteresting for sure…

    lots of links to the Trump initiation here, but I’ve not really bothered to be involved at this point – I just want to get on my life 🙂 and how it is unfolding…

  3. tammy j says:

    pretty well captured it.
    I read an interesting thought on some blog today… that perhaps the entire world is going through the necessary birth pangs of a new and better world.
    and I guess we’re to take from that what we will!
    one thing we can always say… whether we like or approve of who won or not…
    our leaders transfer power in a civilized and even a kind way. I’m always proud of that.
    it’s ‘ we the people ‘ who were out there in the streets throwing rocks… breaking windows of star bucks and other windows … torching a limo which was (an innocent man’s livelihood)… and wounding two police officers.

    not sure what any of that had to do with a protest of changing powers.
    it was embarrassing in front of the world. ignorant and pointless.
    I hate MOBS. and that’s what it was.
    let’s hope tomorrow’s protests of a hundred thousand women marching will be peaceful at least!

    • Jean says:

      That was too bad that some bad apples ruined it for others. I’m with you — I hope the women’s march is more peaceful and effective. Once some people commit violence the main message is drowned out.

      Fingers crossed that changing the system results in something better in the long run.

  4. The inauguration was lacking in class and spirit. Trump’s speech was inappropriately aggressive. Oh, well, new start tomorrow.

  5. Cindi says:

    Great cover!

  6. nick says:

    Significant that there were many more people on the Women’s March than there were at Trump’s inauguration. There’s a lot of opposition to his presidency, and hopefully that opposition will keep growing. I gather there’s been a torrent of bets on Trump either being impeached or resigning long before his four-year term is complete. And his approval ratings are already abysmal.

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