Alternative Facts

Sales of George Orwell’s dystopian drama 1984 have soared after Kellyanne Conway, adviser to the reality-TV-star-turned-president, Donald Trump, used the phrase “alternative facts” in an interview. As of Tuesday, the book was the sixth best-selling book on Amazon.
The Guardian


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8 Responses to Alternative Facts

  1. nick says:

    “1984” is a pretty scary book. And it’s not too far from the Two Minutes Hate to a daily presidential put-down of Muslims. Or from Doublethink to Alternative Facts.

  2. tammy j says:

    you might not believe this… but that book in my junior year of high school was literally banned in my english class.
    our teacher brought his own paper back copy and we passed it around.
    I should re~read it now. having gained a little hind sight and hopefully some wisdom.

    • Jean says:

      What state were you in? I read it in high school, but as I recall it wasn’t for a class. We all knew about it and Animal Farm, and also Huxley’s Brave New World. I liked Brave New World better. It wasn’t quite so grim, and I admired Helmholtz. I don’t remember the details, but he wasn’t afraid to leave. He was his own person.

  3. Cindi says:

    I haven’t read the book.
    and I know I won’t.
    I’m blocking it all out.

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