Mountain Rescue Dogs


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8 Responses to Mountain Rescue Dogs

  1. nick says:

    It’s great that the dogs can sniff something out much more easily than a human. They must have saved quite a few lives. We have a mountain rescue team for the Mourne Mountains, but no dogs as far as I know because we don’t have any snow to speak of and usually people are capable of explaining their whereabouts.

    • Jean says:

      Our Search and Rescue uses dogs to help find people. I took part in one of the initial trainings for some of them. It was in a building and we volunteers had to bring something with our scent, then wait in one of the rooms until a dog found us. It was a friendly, fun experience.

  2. Rummuser says:

    Very interesting. Am sharing on facebook.

  3. tammy j says:

    wonderful video! I loved how he just rides on his shoulders too! 😀

    there was no snow of course… but the dozens of dogs that worked to sniff out possible survivors in the rubble of the murrah building bombing were just amazing. and they helped to find many people. under CONCRETE and steel!!! those noses are incredible!
    there is a hotel in OKC that still has an entire wall of pictures of the rescue dogs as a wall of honor while they were here. they and their human rescue crew all stayed in that hotel.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    man’s best friend and lives up to that name as well…all in response to finding another human (injured or buried) so that they too could become best friend…

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