
We’re all aware of how much President Trump tweets, which is quite a change from President Obama. For security reasons Obama wasn’t allowed a smartphone until 2016. Even then a lot of features were disabled. He told Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show that when they gave it to him they said,

this is a great phone, state of the art, but it doesn’t take pictures, you can’t text, the phone doesn’t work, you can’t play your music on it.

He added,

So basically, it’s like—does your 3-year old have one of those play phones?

Apparently Trump isn’t worried that his phone and digital accounts might be vulnerable to hacking. Even though Clinton’s unsecure email accounts were a big issue in the election.

What a difference a few months makes.

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11 Responses to Twitter-in-Chief

  1. tammy j says:

    I almost said …
    you don’t have to worry about hackers if you’re friends with them…
    but that would be too catty. so I won’t say it!

    • tammy j says:

      oh good grief.
      if that’s true it’s both sad and frightening at the same time.
      president bush admitted that he had dyslexia. ‘after’ he’d been elected.
      but to be illiterate! and holding that job!
      to not be literate in a job that requires constant exchanges of information … both written and unwritten but of such great importance… oh my gosh. it’s painful to think about!
      it explains a lot about the man’s approach to everything.
      malignant narcissism and illiteracy.
      what is even more frightening to me is that ‘the people’ behind him that number in the thousands … couldn’t or wouldn’t see that?
      this reply was from one of the commenters on your links…
      “Trump represents a gigantic part of America though – uneducated, angry, entitled and confident. This is why he won.”
      sorry monk! didn’t mean to just take over your post!!!
      but rummy’s links are very interesting. would be interested to know what you and your other readers think about it.

    • Jean says:

      Never apologize for your comments, tammy! These posts are meant as food for thought, conversation starters.

      I enjoyed Rummuser’s video links, but Trump does do some reading in addition to watching TV cable news shows. This article, Here’s Where Donald Trump Gets His News, says he reads selectively, mostly articles that praise him. But we knew that before he got elected.

  2. nick says:

    I’m surprised Trump’s staff allow him to be on Twitter, given that virtually everything he tweets is ill-informed, half-baked jibberish. Perhaps one of them will find the courage to disable it.

    • Jean says:

      I’ve heard that even his wife has tried to get him to slow down on the tweets, but so far no luck. It does let him make instant contact with his supporters.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    apparently he doesn’t type the twitter tweets – he yells them to someone in his office…

    does anyone know his history – like in schooling or is that just an area glossed over because there are no records. 

    anyway what is the “matter” on it – I guess it will either disappear or something else strange/weird will take it’s place. the problem for Trump et al, is that everything net-wise seems to filtered into a cache, very hard to dump…if you know how to “look for it”

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