Side Effects

Last Wednesday the warmup/cardio part of our Silver Sneakers class was especially fun and exhilarating. Unfortunately the class ended about halfway through. We were doing the less strenuous exercises when suddenly one of the ladies in the row ahead of me lost her balance and toppled to the ground.

She wasn’t hurt by the fall, but just in case they phoned 911 and the paramedics from the fire department checked her over. At first the instructor was worried that the cardio might have been too strenuous, but the woman said no. Her doctor had changed her medication the week before and it made her dizzy.

I’m glad she’s all right and hope they can find something that works with fewer side effects. And, selfishly speaking, I hope our instructor wasn’t so spooked by the incident that she waters down our class.


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14 Responses to Side Effects

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    I too am glad the lady was okay – but it meant that the rest of the class – maybe learnt some valuable pointers; watch out for new side effects.

    I remember once getting some new seemingly the same tablets from the chemist and remarking that the last lot came in a punch out pack and this was in loose form, were they the right ones. She said “yes” and when I got home, they did say the same wording… but very soon, I knew they weren’t right because side effects were affecting my life-quality.

    I went back to the chemist and she said “see med clinic immediately” I explained to the receptionist I needed at appt as the chemist said I should, and I could come back next week. The receptionist said “no, you’ve an emergency”…

    Turned out that pharmac that subsides our med$$ had changed suppliers and something in the “makeup” was the cause of my problems…new pills, less hassles.

    But of course, it was to be a few more years until it was recognised that I had other issues AND I don’t even take those pills now because I don’t have out-or-range BP!!!

    • Jean says:

      When we have a choice we always look medications up before we take them. It’s best to know what we’re getting into.

  2. Ursula says:

    ” … lost her balance and toppled to the ground.”

    I don’t know, Jean, and I don’t mean to be facetious, but isn’t there a lesson in there? Maybe that “oldies” (to use Nick speak) shouldn’t jump about? Other than that, accidents will happen. The reasons for which are immaterial.


    • Jean says:

      We never jump in the class, and we should always warm up before we use weights or stretch. We work on balance a lot, which is invaluable.

  3. Rummuser says:

    I have two cases of having to treat side effects, read allergy, of medication for other symptoms at home. Both Ranjan and Manjiree had accidents and the medicines that they took resulted in side effects to handle which further treatment had to be undertaken! Modern medicine!!

    • Jean says:

      Modern drugs are powerful, both good and bad. It’s best to be an informed consumer, which is a lot easier to do now that we have the internet.

  4. tammy j says:

    I take as little as possible in the way of meds.
    when you hear them advertising their latest wares now …
    they have to list them apparently like small print…
    the side effects are horrendous! worse than what they’re treating!
    I tend to agree with ursula on the cardio.
    I think a little of that goes a long way. especially after a certain age.
    yoga is almost as effective they have found… and far gentler on the body.
    and the beauty of it is… it helps your balance as well as keeping you limber!
    a win win!

    • Jean says:

      We feel the same about drugs. That’s why I started taking the Silver Sneakers class, to avoid a preventive medicine the doctor wanted me to take.

      We have to be careful about any exercise, even Yoga. We don’t overdo at Silver Sneakers — we go at our own pace. The oldest person there is 95 and hasn’t hurt himself yet.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    Silver Sneakers sounds a little like Green Prescription here – but it’s not just for the silver fraternity but anyone who needs really to take less medication or has other issues. I think it was originally bought in for those who had depression – get people off certain drugs so that their life improved.

    I used it when I needed to lose weight which I had gained over a 10 year period when said doctor actually got it wrong and I actually had asthma which had paid hell with my breathing/fitness… I met people with all kinds of problems in a low-key gym/pool classes; also other speakers about all kinds of things – sometimes targeting a particular health issue – maybe diabetes or stroke.

    I went onto to joining the actual gym because the classes folded for summer holiday period and I didn’t want to lose out…I loved the weight room and so did the others who used it – giving me the 10kg weight or removing 50k weights that others hadn’t put away.

    but now a gym is beyond me – but I have learnt so much that I really am as well/fit as I can possibly be etc :–)

    • Jean says:

      It sounds as if you used a lot bigger free weights that I use! As you say, the main thing is to keep in as good shape as we can. It’s good for our minds as well as our bodies.

  6. Linda Sand says:

    My doctor recently started me on too many new meds at the same time so I couldn’t tell which was causing which side effects. I backed off all of them and restarted them one at a time (She’s on Spring Break with her family). I now know which one acts like a colonoscopy prep on me so I’ll report that Wednesday when I see her again.

    I don’t read the side effects in advance because I am too suggestible. If there’s one I truly need to watch for she tells me that when she prescribes them. I just couldn’t remember which one she said might have that effect on me and I chose not to look it up because of my suggestibility.

    • Jean says:

      Not reading about the side effects is probably a good idea in your case. I’m sorry she added so many meds at once. Good luck!

  7. nick says:

    So many drugs have disturbing or even serious side effects, I try to avoid them if I possibly can. Drugs that have no obvious side effects on one person can have nasty side effects on someone else. And there are quite a few prescription drugs that cause more deaths than heroin or cocaine.

    • Jean says:

      I’m with you. If there’s something I can do by changing my lifestyle, that’s my first choice. Fortunately that has mostly worked so far.

      Eventually they’re hoping to figure out how a patient will react to specific medicines. That would be great.

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