Conversation With Kaitlin

Kaitlin, Torben and the pups went to visit Torben’s folks in Ann Arbor this weekend. Their Whistler app notified me when the pups were back in their home zone, so I wrote to Kaitlin:

Me: You’re home!

Kaitlin: Yay!!! Yes we are :D.

The Boo is lounging outside. We are doing some puttering watering and yard work. Who knows what the girl is up to.

Me: 😀 Tempi is no end of entertainment.

Kaitlin: Oh you have no idea. When we called Kate to let her know we were home she said, “Do not worry about the damage. We love her.”

Tempi spent the afternoon sending sorry presents…

I’m looking forward to Tempi’s post telling her side of the story.


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6 Responses to Conversation With Kaitlin

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    definitely Tempi story will reveal all – and it was a holiday – don’t humans do odd or even fun things when they’ve away? If they don’t, they need to be retrained, don’t they Tempi 🙂

    • Jean says:

      Unfortunately she does a lot of fun things at home, too — she’s not so big on being trained. The problem is she’s incredibly smart and doing what smart people/dogs do — she uses her brain and overcomes challenges.

  2. Rummuser says:

    All agog for the next post on Montana Moments.

  3. tammy j says:

    LOL! can’t wait.
    just the picture of her sitting on the BBQ … awaiting those straying humans to provide good stuff to eat from it! ya just gotta love her!
    and boo had my heart from the very beginning. he never is without his smile!

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