Apparently Trump doesn’t believe in exercise — he does swing a golf club but uses a cart to get around the course — because he believes human bodies are like batteries. Exercise depletes their energy and he doesn’t want to waste his.
Andy and I laughed when we heard that. It reminded us of Rumpole of the Bailey years ago. He read that someone had died while jogging and said,
Exercise is a shortcut to the cemetery.
You would never catch him doing that!
In spite of that being a family joke all these years, Andy and I aren’t going to use either Trump or Rumpole as role models. But we do enjoy the chuckle.
May 17, 2017
Nothing surprises me about the POTUS any more! And no, while I too would not subscribe to the theory, I too chuckled at the chutzpah!
We will have to see if his health survives the presidency, assuming he isn’t impeached. Apparently he thinks he’s doing a good job but “no politician in history…has been treated worse or more unfairly.” The question is will enough people agree to protect him.
it just gets better and better.
Or worse and worse. 😀
Last two days have been a wild ride? Can it get any crazier? Of course it can, and it will, before this is all over.
I’m curious to see how his upcoming foreign trip goes. Will it be a break from Washington or will he “shoot from the hip and into his foot” again? I wouldn’t bet against that.
He looks to me like someone ripe for a heart attack, but who knows? If human beings are like batteries, hopefully the battery will die very soon….
For a split second I read “banana”. Overripe and disgusting. Still, waste not – want not; we can always make banana bread out of the repulsive instead of binning “it”. Such a pity I don’t have sweet tooth.
Howard Stern, a radio host, says he thinks being president will be bad for Trump’s mental health because Trump’s ego is too fragile. And the constant stress can’t be good for his heart. I feel sorry for him, but he is a disaster.
LOL – that guy is unbelievable….