Courage or Stupidity

Have you ever known anyone or seen videos of people practicing extreme sports? Here are some examples:

I especially like the following one because of the book I’ve been listening to about surfing. It’s over twenty minutes long but one can get the feeling for it without watching the whole thing.


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8 Responses to Courage or Stupidity

  1. Joared says:

    I know of someone allowed by parents to pursue this parh from childhood. Others of his family report he had so many injuries, broken bones as he was growing up that the family doctor finally said he would no longer have him as a patient. This now adult male earns his living engaging in daredevil adventures in so-called sporting activities as he continues to hone his skills.

    • Jean says:

      I know of some adults who mountain climb, race mountain bikes, bungee jump, etc. but none who regularly hurt themselves or who do it as a profession. One fellow participated in mountain bike races when he was younger, but now he produces a magazine about it. He was never interested in college and instead has done well for himself pursuing his interests. More power to him!

  2. I don’t think I know anyone who does extreme sports, but I’m sure it takes an unusual type. I wonder if that characteristic extends itself to other areas of a person’s life—career, for instance. People who are adventurous in art, also push the envelope and end up contributing in a new way.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Not my cup of tea at all.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    I don’t know any extreme sportspeople – but I know some extreme others who believe they are so much better than others in whatever rocks their boat – usually they are scathing of any small achievement of another, as the swell out their chest and tell someone “that’s nothing…” usually then pointedly showing their scars, trophies, whatever…

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