
Kingston is the latest rescue at Life at Golden Pines. He shows that just because we can’t solve all the problems of this poor old world, there are still things we can do to make it a better place.

Once again, Kim, thank you for all you do.


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5 Responses to Kingston

  1. tammy j says:

    that precious face!
    and his little bandaged ‘happy tail.’ that was new to me!
    and I never use the word precious lightly. xo

    • Jean says:

      I agree about the precious face. There was a dog at the shelter once who bloodied his tail that way, but it was because he was stressed. Spending time with him did wonders.

  2. Rummuser says:

    We need more people like Kim on this planet.

  3. Hello Jean! THANK YOU for your kind words, and posting about Kingston. He’s doing really well – That bandage is off his tail, and it looks like it’s healing well – even though it has not stopped wagging. He really is happy to be here and out of the shelter, and we are of course, happy that he’s here too!

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