As I’ve mentioned, the one rose bush is doing fine:
Beate and Tim bought a replacement for the eaten one when they went to Santa Fe Friday, and they planted it yesterday.
Fingers crossed!
June 25, 2017
As I’ve mentioned, the one rose bush is doing fine:
Beate and Tim bought a replacement for the eaten one when they went to Santa Fe Friday, and they planted it yesterday.
Fingers crossed!
That looks like a truly healthy plant! I find roses are very satisfying to grow, and especially now, that newer, more resilient strains are being developed.
Beate and Tim get all the credit. Bless them!
I am glad to see such lush growth.
Lets hope it lasts. Andy and Beate and Tim are going for a walk today, and Andy says he might be late coming home because he has to go up to the land afterwards to water the roses.
i’d say it’s thriving! and it’s beautiful and brave!
It is spirit-lifting, isn’t it? 🙂