As we pointed out yesterday, our road and house are noticeable from miles away.
That could be a problem now that known burglars have been seen taking pictures of some of our neighbors’ properties. We do stick out! Hopefully the rough roads and our gate will help — fingers crossed.
July 26, 2017
oh gosh. how do they know they were known burglers?
that makes me think twice about andy being up there alone.
does he have anything for protection up there? the nearest help or neighbor would be miles away. YES! fingers crossed.
but also something to think about and perhaps plan against.
what is it they say… fore planned is fore armed?
that’s probably wrong. I never get those right. but you know what I mean!
They’ve been arrested before, so there are mug shots. Apparently they spend a lot of time watching and try to break in when the owners are gone. One woman came home unexpectedly and they ran, so they apparently don’t want physical violence. That is a relief.
Living in isolated places will always invite unsavoury elements. Please be very careful.
There are plenty of unsavory types in cities, too!
This makes me worry about Andy too!
How do they know about the burglars?
Has it been on the News? Do the Authorities travel that area?
Yes, Andy needs a plan.
The feds are trying to catch them, and Andy and our neighbors have numbers to call if anyone sees anyone suspicious.
I would be telling myself, “Yes, but that also means the burglars could be easily observed.” Most prefer to be hidden.
We will just have to see. Apparently they’re familiar with the area and are careful.
You and Andy do have dogs. And if they are not of the ‘teeth barred’ watchdog variety, they can at least make a lot of noise, and hopefully give you fair warning.
No, we do not have dogs except when the grandpups come to visit. And apparently the burglars watch and try to break in when they’re sure no one is around.
well let’s hope the powers2be are keeping tabs – maybe undercover “watchers” of the baddies…it would be such a hoot (okay, maybe not) if they both collided “breaking into a place…”
Some Forest Service guys were patrolling a few days ago, but the burglars are patient and will no doubt wait until the coast is clear. We’re not wasting any time worrying about it. Andy did take videos of our stuff for insurance purposes, just in case.