It was a great day yesterday. The sun was out when I went to my Silver Sneakers class so I thought it was going to be warm. But it had clouded over by the time I came home, and we ended up having a good downpour. It stayed moist the rest of the day and temperature only got up to around 70 F. I know some people like sun and warmth, but days like this are rare for us this time of year, and, for me at least, it’s a special treat.
Have you had any special treats lately?
August 24, 2017
yep, we have had a few days that the weather folk have got right – no moisture at all! And it looks like it might last until the end of the week…
Good! 🙂
our whole august has been a treat and the weathermen can’t believe it either!
we’ve only had two days all month where it topped 100 and over.
otherwise in the low 90’s and now the 80’s! the last few nights have been cool enough to open windows! UNHEARD of in august here usually!
I’m hoping for a GORGEOUS autumn! can you tell I’m excited? 😀
My fingers are crossed for you!
At my age, Jean, every day is a special treat! No really, I mean it!
Yes, we’re living on bonus time and we would be crazy not to appreciate it.
I had a fantastic lunch earlier today with my visiting cousin and a very charming young lady. I spent the afternoon with the latter in her office discussing very weighty matters. If that does not qualify for a special treat, i don’t know what will!
I’m happy for you!
I got a really good haircut. That happens so seldom now that it feels like a real treat.
I’m happy for you, too!