The Days Are Too Short

I’m with Earl!


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15 Responses to The Days Are Too Short

  1. Sharon says:

    The older I get, the shorter the days. Fall coming, doesn’t help any.

  2. My favorite things—thinking, reading, napping! And yes, there is never enough time!

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    yep, I think we can all agree…on this.

    and then there is “time” – I get up with so much i want to achieve, but at some point in the day (usually early arvo) I know I’m not going to get whatever done…

    as some of you know that’s “reverting the work table to dining table, nightly”

  4. Mike says:

    Took a good long nap today; just woke up 😉 — sleep study last night: ended up with less sleep than normal. 🙁

  5. tammy j says:

    just call me earl.
    and it looks like from the post and all the comments i’m in good company!

  6. Cindi says:

    Days are only too short when I’m home
    And too long when I’m at work.

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