I have to admit, I had to look at a map to see exactly where Niger is. One thing about the never-ending 9/11 war on terror, some of us are learning more geography.
November 3, 2017
I have to admit, I had to look at a map to see exactly where Niger is. One thing about the never-ending 9/11 war on terror, some of us are learning more geography.
a timely post.
we got news today that sgt mike and his men are on their way back home.
they were out of the frightening nether regions of this world and flying into a more well known and pronounceable one! i’m so happy and excited!
I’m so happy for you all!
I’m not keen on that type of geography lesson, I prefer to look for places based on a “good cultural” and “fascinating” reason. Living this far down in the world, lots of places hold my attention from time to time…
I remember taking a geography paper on Asia and loving how much it covered, not just the culture of course, the seasons and what they bought to the region, how that affected and flowed up/down to the people, the land and so forth.
I love geography, too. But I’m not thrilled by why I had to look up Niger!
Crazy, isn’t it? I had to look it up too!
Yes, crazy!
Imagine that, Niger is next to Nigeria. 😉 I never really knew it was a separate, independent country, or, if I did, I had forgotten.
oops… forgot to include the tag to close out the italics after Nigeria.
I was pretty hazy too. It’s sad why we are looking.
Yes, Congress is falling down on the job. But what else is new?
My most recent post tells you my opinion of all this: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/2017/11/interference/
So much for the ends don’t justify the means. I was taught that when I was younger, but I imagine no one teaches that now.
I only wish they would keep rename place though out the world.
Coffee is on
I looked Niger up on an old globe we bought years ago. I wouldn’t have been surprised if their name had changed too.