Playing with My Camera

One the way home Sunday night I tried taking some videos with my camera on high sensitivity mode. I saved this clip because of the elk on the side of the road for the first couple of seconds.

I was mainly practicing handling the camera in the dark car, and it went fairly well.

Monday evening I tried taking some clips of the road down to the highway, trying to see if they showed bumpiness of the road:

So I had the camera on my lap when we saw this herd of deer. Andy turned the car so the deer would be illuminated by the headlights, and the deer were unperturbed. Because of my playing the previous night, I had no trouble taking the video.

How cool is that!


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6 Responses to Playing with My Camera

  1. that is way “cool” and thanks, could feel every “bump in the road” 🙂

  2. Really impressed with the pic of the deer alongside the dark road! They are quite cheeky!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, and they (and the elk) are dangerous if they decide to cross the road and you’re going too fast to stop in time. Andy drives 10 to 15 minutes an hour slower when it’s dark.

  3. .Rummuser says:

    Very cool indeed! Plans to migrate to Hollywood?

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