Back to School

The negative cartoons about going back to school surprise me. I always loved it, and September, not January, still seems like the start of a new year because of my school days.

How did you feeling about school starting again?


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17 Responses to Back to School

  1. It’s not the kids who feel that wayβ€”it’s the teachers!

    • Jean says:

      I imagine you are right about some of them! Grand Avenue does mention the teacher’s reaction, and this would have been a better cartoon if they did it from his perspective.

  2. tammy j says:

    true. there was always a excitement to me and a little tinge of dread too.
    it was always a new school. new people. new building to get used to.
    I remember when I was quite small I came home and told Mother that the new school had no bathrooms! I never could find it.
    good grief. talk about … well. I hardly no where to begin with that little girl.
    why didn’t she ASK someone??? of course there wasn’t a single familiar face. I never knew I was that shy! no wonder I became too talkative as the years went by! LOL! at least I always knew where the bathroom was! LOL πŸ˜€

  3. Cindi says:

    I hated school.
    Every. Single. Moment.
    So yeah, totally agree with the cartoons.

  4. Joared says:

    I was usually glad to see a school year end, but by the end of summer I looked forward to school starting again. There was only one school I attended briefly that I disliked β€” the third one of the four I was in that year.

  5. Rummuser says:

    I distinctly remember looking forward to going back to school after vacations. Staying at home after a few days was inevitably boring!

  6. nick says:

    Well, when I was at boarding school, I hated going back because the school was quite unsuited to my personality (sports and religion were a big thing) and because I was bullied for four years. I couldn’t wait to leave school and get my first job.

  7. Linda Sand says:

    I loved to read and learned to do so quite young. The hardest part of school was being in a reading group when the teacher wouldn’t let me read instead of having to listen to the kids who struggled so. I got sent to sit in the cloakroom when I couldn’t keep from “helping”.

  8. Pamela says:

    I loved going back to school every September. Growing up, my parents had enough saved for one one-week vacation. The rest of the time I read in the house or swam at the local pool. But I was bored. School was exciting to me – so much to learn! With good teachers and a curious brain, back-to-school is a fun phrase to many kids.

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