Hurray for New Zealand!

I can’t imagine this happening in the U.S.:

What was the reaction where you are, Catherine?


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8 Responses to Hurray for New Zealand!

  1. LOL

    and this is Auckland region – the North Shore (somewhere relatively close to the hospital I was in recently)

    however, most of the motorway jams aren’t about “ducks” more about idiots who crash their vehicles. And the whole of the region can become grid-locked in these circumstances – miles and miles away from the “scene”

    NZ Transport & Roading, keep building more and more roads, with less and less emphasis on public transport, bus lanes, cycling/walking ways…

  2. Rummuser says:

    How thoughtful and touching!

  3. tammy j says:

    OH MY!
    thank you! what a wonderful thing to see in our high tech RUSHING world!!!
    machines and overly busy lives actually STOPPING for little beings of nature!

  4. Cindi says:

    Oh jeez, now Iā€™m gonna sound like Debbie Downer…
    But it appears that they are only halfway across and then run into a road divider.
    Sorry to point that out but then what happened?

    My stepmom said across from the law office where she works is a busy four lane. She said some of the lawyers and eventually a police officer, stopped traffic for a momma duck and ducklings. She said it was a real sight to see.
    And on the other side of the road is land, then a few small homes on the river.

    • Jean says:

      I was aware of that divider but I figured if everyone was looking out for the ducks someone would get them to safety. That’s neat that something like that did happen in the U.S.

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