Quirky Dads

If you are going to leave dad alone with the kid, there is a really good chance you’ll end up receiving a photo like this in a text message. This is the type of view dads have on the world. Although, we have to admit that this cute little baby head does look exactly like a kiwi.

This is one of the tamer “dad fails” we managed to dig up. At the end of the day, there is a good reason to NOT leave dad alone with the kids, especially when the father is a big child themselves and will likely have this type of day with the kiddo.
These Dads Have Failed Gloriously at Parenting, and That’s Okay

Here are a couple of other pictures from the article:


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10 Responses to Quirky Dads

  1. at least they aren’t training their young ‘un to learn the art of scribbling on the wallpaper! certainly cute…

  2. tammy j says:

    ohmygosh. LOL! would like to be there when the little one feels the produce stamp being taken off!
    and if that’s PERMANENT marker on the others … NO!!!
    and yes. I have no humor!

    • Jean says:

      I doubt that it was permanent marker, but if so it’s better to know how clueless the dad is while the mom can protect the little one. I’m afraid I laughed out loud at the kiwi one. The sticker doesn’t look plastered on, and the idea was brilliant — I would never have thought of it.

      Clearly modern technology makes it too easy to take and share pictures. It inspires too much creativity.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Will you believe me if I told you that I was that kind of a father when Ranjan was a wee lad? Pity that we could not afford a camera those days as otherwise, I would have photographic proof!

  4. Dads certainly have a different perspective. I think mom’s are a bit more reverent about babyhood!

  5. Cindi says:

    I find the kiwi one to be the funniest one to me! Lol!
    And yes, I’d worry if I was the mother.
    Although a friend of mine just had a baby and her boyfriend is the one who guiding her on how to care for their infant.
    She’s never been around babies and he’s helped with his sister’s little ones so he’s pretty comfortable and she’s terrified.

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