Andy and I were tickled by this National Weather prediction last night:
Seasonal transitions never disappoint when it comes to the myriad of weather types that can occur in just two days. The incoming storm system will provide one such transition and will put summer in the rear view mirror.
It was no surprise to Andy, he drained all of the water from our hoses yesterday. Here’s the Dark Sky weather report for the land in Fahrenheit and Celsius:


Yes, summer is over!
October 7, 2018
hope we can be included in that. I would love it! I have hopes for a beautiful Fall. we yo-yo so greatly at this time of year. it’s a chess game. that has a nicer sound than crap shoot! but that’s what it is.
yesterday morning it was so hot and muggy. then it dropped from 80’s to near 58. they said a cold front moved through and boy did it feel good.
now it’s warm again. but it’s rainy all around us so our summer is sort of in the rear view mirror with yours. now if it will just STAY THERE!
My fingers are crossed for you! Dark Sky says it will cool off a bit for you after tomorrow. I hope it’s true.
pretty nice here right now – not quite time for one layer or even cotton/linen – but nice shiny sun streaming in…although when I first rose – it was looking stormy… clocks sprung forward the other w/end so it’s still lite and not looking like early evening at all (5.15ish/pm)
Yes, you should be getting warmer weather. Sunshine makes a big difference!
Our monsoon has finally withdrawn and we are now in for some warm weather before the winter sets in.
When we were in India it was November, and we remember the temperature being hot and humid for us in Mumbai, but New Delhi and Agra were pleasant. Looking at Dark Sky for Pune now, it would be too hot for us. We like being in the mountains!
Since I rarely watch weather reports, and even more rarely leave the apartment, I judge the weather by what Dave wears to go outside. He’s wearing a fleece jacket these days. Outside our windows the leaves are just beginning to change color. Usually peak color here is about third weekend in October so we are right on schedule.
Your peak colors are a lot later than ours are. Usually ours are the end of September.
83 here today
Same forecasted for tomorrow
60’s after that
And 40’s for the weekend.
I love Fall
Hope we have more than a week or two.
Fingers crossed for you — we love fall too. 🙂