I mostly ignore articles about celebrities, but I love this quote and now Meghan.
To this day, my pet peeve is when my skin tone is changed, and my freckles are airbrushed out of a photo shoot.
–Meghan Markle
When she was young and complained about her freckles her father told her, “A face without freckles is a night without stars.” That touched my heart because my mother was half Irish and hated her freckles when she was young. I love the few pictures I have of her then.
Good for you, Meghan! Keep up the good work.
November 15, 2018
I love it when they’re down to earth. and I think she is.
and her father’s quote is beautiful!
she beats a Kardashian any day.
Meghan is in several of the Hallmark Channel movies. and she’s very natural.
like Princess Grace… I’m thinking her acting career is probably over now but I’m glad to see the little movies she’s made.
I’ve never seen the Hallmark movies, but I did see her in Suits. I love the fact she’s not trying to appear more glamorous than she is. This is one of her favorite pictures of herself.
Mom says Meghan seems like a very real and genuine person. We love freckles – Misty has a bunch of them on her snooter:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Because of my mother I love freckles too!
I try to stay clear of celebrities—but Meghan is very likable. Seems unspoiled. Hope she can stay like that!
I hope so too! I’m guessing someone will eventually tell us.
I would hate her job!
My mom had freckles and she put on makeup as soon as she got up in the mornings to cover them. But there were freckles all over her arms and she hated them.
She used to saw that Doris Day had freckles and she covered them up too.
Odd thing is, I have freckles and love them.
I’m mean, what’s wrong with freckles?!
Good for you!
“A face without freckles is a night without stars.” What a lovely quote.
Celebrities are still regularly photo shopped and airbrushed until they look like someone quite different. The celebrities themselves complain about it but are usually ignored.
Meghan may have enough clout to insist upon it. Fingers crossed.