Thanksgiving Memories

We love our everyday lives, so we didn’t do anything different today, but Thanksgiving does bring back warm memories. My two favorites are

  1. the first time I cooked the whole Thanksgiving dinner for our extended family when I was a teen, and
  2. one Thanksgiving when we were invited out to dinner. I was looking forward to it but would miss the leftover turkey, so Thanksgiving morning I went to the store and bought one. A fellow from work was there and he looked at me, looked in my cart at the frozen turkey and said, “You don’t plan ahead, do you Jean?” I still laugh every time I think of it.

Do you have any favorite memories?


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11 Responses to Thanksgiving Memories

  1. tammy j says:

    the year I was 13 and we had just moved to Virginia. it was just the 4 of us for Thanksgiving. Mother and Daddy and the marine and me.
    for some reason Mother bought a 16 pound turkey. ???!!!! WHAT?
    and I thought I’m the one with math problems.
    it wouldn’t even fit into the oven. she cooked it one end at a time. the other end hanging out and covered with foil. I don’t know how safe that was. Daddy was on duty. did the thought never occur to her to try and cut it in half? I don’t know. but for years we laughed about that Thanksgiving and the year Mother cooked a turkey big enough for the whole village! LOL.

  2. Cindi says:

    I can’t think of one that especially stands out.
    Well, I mean in a positive way, although there were some… that were just fine.
    Mostly, my Thanksgivings in the past have been the kind you see in movies.
    Not the Hallmark ones but rather the ones with grumbling and swearing about the cooking of food and then later, little snide remarks about politics.
    Although we’d always come up with something to say we were thankful for…
    I should write a screenplay.

  3. The OP Pack says:

    Great story there. Mom has been known to cook a much bigger turkey than needed so Dad will have lots of leftovers – he LOVES turkey:)

    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to you!!!

    Gobble Gobble Gobble Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. nick says:

    Hope you enjoyed your celebrations! No Thanksgiving here in the UK, but the shops are already falling over themselves to sell us Christmas gifts and food. It’s cut-throat competition out there!

    As for favourite memories, I always remember Christmas mornings as a kid when I found my Christmas stocking at the end of the bed, full of wonderful little bits and pieces!

  5. no thanksgiving here either but stories of difficulties with “turkeys” on Christmas day…

    the year a new neighbour in her rented house, discovered that the oven wouldn’t work properly…a call to landlord, and basically said “we will come over in the New Year”…finally he had to get the “kitchen installers” in as this was a kitchen in one. And yep, had to take apart a fair amount of installed kitchen, because some “idiot” hadn’t connected it up to power…the neighbour had never really used an oven, but wanted to do this for big family gathering…

    another year, when my nieces specialised and very large oven wouldn’t fire up (took months to get it fixed, as NZ closes down for Summer) – out to the bbq; and now she always does the turkey in the bbq, frees up the rest of the kitchen.

    • I think that things can go “badly wrong” when you are usually catering for a big party OR at the time of the year when a repair person just isn’t available (Holidays) AND some type of solution has to be found…as noted in Tammy’s post about size v size (bird v oven)

    • Jean says:

      Great stories! Bbqing the turkey makes a lot of sense when it is warm out — it keeps the heat out of the kitchen.

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